These are some questions I’ve been asked in the last year, thought of compiling a list
Q. Everyone says that yoga is a religion. I already have a religion and I don’t need another one. Is it or isn’t it ?
This is probably the number one WRONG IDEA about yoga. Yoga originated in India and a number of yogis have been Hindus, many people think that yoga is a part of Hinduism, or even a religion all by itself. NOT ! You don’t have to be a member of any particular faith to do yoga and practicing yoga does not mean that you are adopting any faith. Nothing in yoga goes against the teachings of any religion. In fact, yoga blends with every religious tradition and folks of every religious tradition do yoga.
Q. Yoga’s easy. All you do is sit there and relax, right? What’s the big deal?
Yoga may look easy. After all, you park yourself in a position and hang there for a while, right? Well, just try holding yourself up in the plank for more than a minute or try standing still as a statue as you balance on one foot in a Tree. You may not look like you’re doing much when you’re in a yoga posture, but your body’s working hard. When you finish, your muscles will definitely know they’ve had a workout. Mine sure do !
Q. I heard that, to be a yogi, you have to be a vegetarian. Now, I don’t have anything against tofu, but I ain’t giving up my burgers ! What do I do?
It’s true that many yogis are vegetarians. They’re into living gently on the earth and all that stuff and vegetarianism fits in with that. But you don’t have to go on any special diet to do yoga. You can eat your favorite burger and still be a yogi.
Q. Kids are naturally flexible, right? So why do they need to do yoga?
It’s true that as babies and toddlers, most of us were very flexible. Our backs were straight, our knees flopped open an we could fold ourselves into two. But its also true that, by the time we hit our teens, many of us have lost our early agility- especially if we spend hours watching TV, sitting at computers and generally being couch potatoes.
The good news is that yoga can help turn you back into a rubber band. You might even be able to suck your toes again !
Q. I’m a guy and I’m interested in yoga, but I heard its for girls. What should I do?
Yoga is not only for girls but its a guy thing too!
Q. I read somewhere that yoga is a great way to get thin. That’s fantastic! Where do I sign up?
Yoga is definitely not a weight loss program. Its not about shedding pounds, getting bulging muscles or miraculously changing your body. Its about gently toning and stretching. But over time you may find that, as a result of standing taller, improving your muscle tone and breathing deeper, you look better. You may also feel better about how you look.